“Life stories do not simply reflect personality. They are personality. In telling the story of how you became who you are, and of who you’re on your way to becoming, the story itself becomes a part of who you are”

The Atlantic

The SELFHOOD Writers Room is a new 7-day experience for open-minded, introspective humans wanting to take control of the story they tell about themselves.


Why The Writers' Room?

The story you tell about who you are, doesn’t just communicate what has happened, it also controls what will happen.

So ask yourself if the story you’re telling, aligns with the person you’re trying to be?

If the answer is no OR I’m not sure, this room is for you.

How it will work?

Over the space of 7 days, you will receive a daily email from the team at SELFHOOD, designed to guide you through a process of exploring, examining and (if necessary) changing your story.

Each day has been intentionally designed to take no more than 30-40 minutes of your time, but what you put in will correlate with what you get out of it.

  • DAY 1- DAY 5 (Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May) You will be sent an email containing a short video and an exercise or prompt for that day. 
  • DAY 6 (Saturday 18th May) We may still check in with you but there will be no video or prompt, giving you time and space to reflect on the previous 5 days. 
  • DAY 7 (Sunday 19th May - 11amPST / 1pm EST/ 6pm GMT) - The experience will culminate in a live 2-hour Zoom workshop that will bring together the work from the week, provide space for any questions or reflections and connect you with the community who have been in the room with you.

The investment

Your time. 

Approximately 7 hours of it (over the space of 1 week).

This is a $67 experience, but today it is being gifted for FREE.

Spots are limited and will be filled on a first-come first served basis. 

Will we see you there?